With mugs like that how could you not take a swing? As you can see they are in various stages in painting. These dudes are huge and kind of a pain in the ass to cover with paint. I am using a vallejo Falcon Turquise as the basecoat for the skin. Then the P3 Radiant Platinum for the base of the armor. Basic green for the beginning of the tartened cloth. Seriously, each guy alone is a fucking project. The unit is like a god damn life goal. I feel like the trollbloods army should come with a warning for anyone lacking an airbrush.
So where are they going? Here are some of my other trolls to give you an idea as to their direction.
If you want to actually see the damn things, they will be in my gallery.
The big plan for these dudes is going to be including them in an army stacked with high armour, multiwound infantry that will just be an absolute bitch to chew through. Hitting them is no issue but checking any damage boxes will be the trick. These guys can hold objectives like a champ which is weird because the trollkin champions arent nearly as good at it.
Anyway, a lot of work ahead of me so this should be done by the time a new Duke Nukem game is out.
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