Thursday, August 28, 2014

Battle reports are for people who remember to make them.

Got a game in last night and tried a few new things. Lets look at lessons learned.

Wrong Deathclock. 
More accurate. Less blood.
Deathclock is an amazing mechanic that prevents my turns from taking so long that Keanu Reeves ages while I play.  Every time its your turn the clock ticks down. When you are done you hit the button and your opponent's clock begins to drain. We set it to 45 minutes a player since we are used to taking forever on 35 points. It made me actively think about what I was going to do and also forced me to just do things to try in win the game instead of my typical holding the line and hoping they make a mistake. Also gave me more time in my night to do other things like watch this kickass documentary about Zanzibar.
This guy is hilariously creepy.
Legion. Why didnt I continue with them? So I was rocking a pretty weird legion list last night. I had a Scythean, Carnivean, Warmongers, Warmonger War Chief War man warrior, some Warspears and UA. All Under Rhyas. I had a great time abusing forests. Setting up the Ogrun units on the objective as my anvil, I was able to park my beasts in a forest on the flank, nonchargeable, just waiting to spring out and gnaw face. Worked perfectly at taking down that piece of shit Bronzeback. Sent that fucker back to the circus. Seriously a bitch move on my part but the 5-0 win on objective was a consolation to my pride.I am sure Zach will post his thoughts on the game. We will be playing Friday and will post a battle report complete with some sort of picture graphic thing in color. Until then, here is the table at the end of the game when we realized we forgot to write up the game.

And not a single painted model by me. The black primer was perfect camo in the objective.


  1. Looking forward to a full breakdown. Include full lists and reasons for taking units if you can. I'm pretty new to warmahordes

  2. We will be posting a full batrep later this week. Thisngs got crazy for the both of us. Thanks for reading!
