Friday, May 5, 2017

You win some, you lose some. Not me though. I just lose some.

So there I was minding my own business at Mox Boarding House when Jeff, Brendan, and Andrew all pointed at me, did some sort of lasso move with their other hand, and shouted "FUCK THAT GUY" at me as though they were under the direction of a budget j-pop choreographer.

Like this but more sexual. 
I then proceeded to make some mistakes against players you don't want to make mistakes around.

A few things happened last Saturday that I can definitely learn from. The first is that I didnt think out the actual logistics of playing in a tournament. Fun fact, if you play attrition lists in a small tournament you will not get a break between rounds. That means no food. No water. No bathroom break. This made me very grumpy and very stupid. By the last game I had a pounding headache and was short tempered. At least Andrew was pretty gracious about me being a cock. So a big take away is bring snacks and a water bottle. There was a timely podcast that I listened to the following night about how to care for yourself in general and with tournament play. Stupid chain-attack and their day late insight.

The second thing I learned is I am very, very bad at list selection. My initial ignorance to an opponent's list guided me to a poor selection and actually resulted in 2 bad matchups. I am not a fan of dnc.
At least I'm in good company.

Ok so on to lists. One is the standard Ghost Fleet. The other is an Infernal Machines list. I like it. It is fast, aggressive, a ton of bodies, does well against some armor. I have it under denny3 but have been tempted to try it under gaspy1 and Aggy. Jeff was big on using Aggy but I just wasnt emotionally prepared.

Here are the specific lists:

Infernal Machines with Arcane Wonder

Deneghra, the Soul Weaver - WJ: +27
- Deathjack - PC: 23 (Battlegroup Points Used: 23)
- Deathripper - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 4)
Darragh Wrathe - PC: 9
Soul Trapper - PC: 1
Warwitch Siren - PC: 0
Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Mechanithralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
Mechanithralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
- Skarlock Commander - PC: 3
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
Machine Wraith
Soulhunters - Leader & 4 Grunts: 18
Carrion Thralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls - Necrosurgeon & 3 Grunts: 0


Warwitch Deneghra - WJ: +28

Nightmare - PC: 18 (Battlegroup Points Used: 18)
Deathripper - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
Deathripper - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 4)
Reaper - PC: 13 Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Captain Rengrave - PC: 0
Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders - Blackbane & 9 Grunts: 17
Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2 

Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2 

Revenant Crew of the Atramentous - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2
-Revenant Crew Rifleman - PC: 2

I am going to give really basic overviews of the games now. I have to prep for tomorrow's tournament. 

Game 1 Vs. Jeff. 

I got the bye round so I played Jeff. He brought Grissel with 2 units of Toughalos, MK, Axer, 2 fell callers, and the stone. I dropped D3nny into it because I needed the practice. I go first. Run everything up. He goes, runs some stuff up and kills a few zombies with a spray. 

I start by moving my arc node and feating. Mortality a bunch of stuff. Grave wind D3nny. I then ambush my thralls into one unit of toughalos, shoot the leader with the pistol wraith to freeze him. Charge the second unit of thralls into the toughalos. Kill 1. Charge the soulhunters into the second unit, kill only 2. Move DJ out a half inch too far and pass turn. 

He feated. His MK charged DJ. DJ died honorably. I misjudged the angle so he was able to get to him. His toughalos wipe out half my zombies, most of the soul hunters and a lot of birds die to horthol. 

My next turn I bitch and moan and just try to kill his cav. None of it went well. Pass turn. He fails to kill D3nny with MK. Grissel is out there. I go for the caster kill and come up short. He finished me with the MK. 

Im fine with this. Still working the kinks out. I like to test in production. 

Working as intended.

Game 2 Vs. Brendan. 

This is where I fucked up list select.  He had Caine3 and Ossrum. I dont know why but I was convinced he would run Caine and I had never gone against gun bunnies. Well, he dropped Ossrum and I dropped D3nny. 

He went first. Set the line. I was eager to match. Ran zombies in to engage thanks to death ride. Everything else ran up to engage. I thought "Oh I can stop the guns and now he is screwed." Yeah. I am an idiot. Bulldoze to all models in control and boosted sprays wreck face. He wiped out, and I shit you not, over 45 points in a single turn. The only reason it wasnt more is because my other unit of zombies was waiting to ambush. I spitefully trudged on taking out a few jacks out of spite. He wins the day. I cant remember how but it was probably in a hail of bullets. I did get a selfie after the game. 

Not my best look. 

Welp. By now I am tired. Discouraged. My head is pounding. I see Andrew and realize I am list locked. Ghost Fleet under Denny1 is effectively useless against Wurmwood. I have played this match, against this player, already. I was not a good opponent. I tried to get something going but rfp, eyeless sight,  and a stealthed, armor 21 warcaster with a durable, stealth yoyo arc node was just too much for my tilted brain. I lost. And not in style. I tried to grind it out but I really clever hellmouth pulled Denny into range of a crippling grasped Loki.

Andrew was cool enough to show me some tips on how to deal with hellmouth but all you need to do wit GF is rfp the unit leaders. But even outside the leaders, rfp on the troopers makes it so they cant come back. Once the recursion is neutered, you are pretty screwed. And with CMD 7, hellmouth can always take a toll.

Ah well. On to the next tournament. I may try the same pairing again and try to select my lists better. Comment, question, or berate below. You can hit me up on twitter @ABigOleTater

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