Monday, May 8, 2017

Surprise! Mox had a tiny tourny!

So Mox Seattle (formerly Card Kingdom) had a tournament. It was quite the shocker. I think I found out Wednesday night. So naturally I ask management if I can go. She says yes but only if I win.

It was like this except I have less hair and my beard looks like that of a feral Appalachian 14 year old. 
Ok! Im going to a tournament this weekend! Yay! But first I need to make sure I have some opponents. The tournament was being run by the events coordinator there since PG's are now extinct. He didnt know about the common facebook groups for our meta. I posted around. It was actually kind of funny watching people think the tournament looked shady because it sort of came out of nowhere. Like we get there with all our shit and they knock us out and steal our heavily worn livers. 

There's a steamroller at Candy Mountain!
I didnt get to prep much before the tournament. Shortly after the dramatic nodding, my girlfriend became very ill. Totally hosed my night keeping her from dying. Friday I just didnt do anything. I dont know why. I think I got drunk and posted to this blog so Zach didnt out do me. Saturday morning rolls around and I decide to run the lists from the weekend before because they were in my bag. I made a slight change to the infernal machines list. Taking Jeff's advice, I dropped Agathia in. 

Bane Witch Agathia - WJ: +29
- Skarlock Thrall - PC: 0
- Deathjack - PC: 23 (Battlegroup Points Used: 23)
- Defiler - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

Darragh Wrathe - PC: 9
Warwitch Siren - PC: 0
Pistol Wraith - PC: 0
Machine Wraith - PC: 2
Soul Trapper - PC: 1

Mechanithralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
- Skarlock Commander - PC: 3
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
Mechanithralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
- Brute Thrall - PC: 2
Carrion Thralls - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Soulhunters - Leader & 4 Grunts: 18

Dropping a necrosurgeon for the skarlock thrall enabled some out of activation ghostly spells. My thinking is this helps either spread ghostly over my whole army or save Agathia 2 focus on her assassination run. My other list was the standard Denny1 Ghost Fleet.

The tournament wound up being only 5 people due to poor publicity. The next one should be larger. But as a result it was 2 rounds. Round one was against a dude I had never played before. He doesnt play a whole lot but still seemed pretty good. He played Menoth and dropped Kreoss3. This list had the Avatar, Blessing of Vengeance, a devout, one other heavy, vengers, Gravus, and the choir. I dropped the Infernal Machines. Both of his lists were just to beefy for Ghost Fleet.   

I went first. Ran up aggressively so I was in both zones and threatened anything to get near. On his turn he used his cav to shift to my left, hoping to overload one zone and then turn on the soulhunters. My next turn I ambushed into his devout and surrounded Gravus and Kreoss himself with zombies. A  machine wraith charged the avatar. This is where my ignorance of Menoth will show. At the time we played it as though he had a cortex. Looking at his card now... Fuck. So I walked him up and turned his back to DJ. A unit of mechanithralls moves up and one of the brutes bops him from behind. DJ charges him in the butt and kills him. Soul hunters ran up to jam and do some damage to the Blessing. I through the birds out to jam and kept Agathia way back. 

End of my second turn. Everything is in a very small area. 
He crevasses a lot to unjam. Takes out the chicken jack with a pony. Kills a few zombies. Passes turn. I clear the zone on the left of ponies and his objectives with DJ. Zombies push further in. Agathia moves up and vanishes into the zone on the right. Pops feat. Jam further. 4 points in one turn.  By cheating. He couldnt get to the other zone the next turn so I got a shady win. I will never forget that Avatar doesnt have a cortex now so... silver linings?

My cheating piece of shit face when rereading the Avatar's card while writing this.

My second game I did not cheat. I didnt need to. I was playing Zach and he dropped a list with no magic weapons. His list was Naaresh, hydra, mammoth, gladiator, paingiver beast handlers, agonizer and a feralgeist. I dropped Ghost Fleet and the Blackbane's became a timer. I got sloppy with my arc nodes for no reason other than hubris. Had he kept lamentation up, things may not have gone my way. But as it stands, I was able to charge Denny in to cast scourge on Naaresh. The ghost raiders charged in and made short work of him. He is now, and forever will be, removed from play and part of my Ghost Fleet. He is mine now, Zach. 

For. Ev. Ver.
I think my next task is going to be getting some CID games for banes. I really want to try the new riders and knights. I love spooky ghost warriors and they were the first unit I painted upon getting into cryx at the beginning of MK3. We will see how it goes. I leave you with a picture of my spooky leader. 

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